Making Regular Deposits | Habits that Support Your Brain Health
Iva 0:58
Hi and welcome to a new episode of The Mom Bosses Abroad podcast. We are here today with Tanya MFK who has been a previous guest in our podcast and today we are so excited to have her back on this episode talking about everything regarding lifestyle for your brain_ and what are some habits that support our brain health. Tanya, thank you so much for being here again with us. We loved our previous conversation, and we can't wait to dive into this topic that's a little bit the follow up of what we talked about on episode 14.
Tanya 1:47
Absolutely. I'm really excited to dive into it.
Desiree 1:51
Yeah, exactly. Because Tanya we love your break-all-the-rules approach that you have in business, that you are really coaching people in that direction. You’re a life strategist and often dealing with these overwhelmed entrepreneurs and pulling out all that they need to unbusy their life. And we love the no cookie-cutter BS approach. So let's dive right into it.
Tanya 2:27
It really was about a focus of kind of, like you said, breaking the rules. And I mean, what that is, is that there's so much information out there about everything whether you're looking at business, whether you're looking at life hacks, bio hacks, all the hacks and it can get overwhelming because there's a lot of great information. There's tons of great strategies for your business or there's tons of great health ideas. And while it can be helpful_ which one do I do? How do I do it? And the power that comes back to us is really understanding that once we stop and go, ‘What do I actually want or need?’ That the only rule that matters. And so that's really what I thrive on. Giving people the power back to say yes, we can take all these great practices, we can take this information, but the more you understand the foundation, you get to create the rule because you're the one you're making it for. And so that is really definitely the power of that
Desiree 3:25
Exactly. Because we are so stuck in this hustle culture, aren't we? Where we are like, you've got to do this. You've got to do that. It's like- I feel like I can't keep up sometimes and then, you know, we have to remind ourselves but wait a second stop. Who says that? And that's the most wonderful thing about being an entrepreneur because we actually do set those rules right for ourselves.
Tanya 3:48
We do get to
Desiree 3:50
Yeah, well whether how fast or how slow we want to move I mean, you know, it all comes with the results we want to achieve but we get to decide.
Tanya 4:01
I think that's yeah, we really get to we get we get to choose our strategy. We get to choose our process and it's easy to look at some amazing people out there you know, the Tony Robbins of the world or the James Clear of Atomic Habits, a lot of these habit-based books and movements that are very powerful. But what happens is people start to go ‘okay, well I guess now I need to wake up at 5am, I need to also meditate, I need to do yoga. I should also go running, I make sure to get sunshine, I should be fasting, I should do and then next thing you know your three-hour morning routine is actually the thing that's causing you stress.
Iva 4:41
Yes, yes Is this even the whole wellness and wellbeing aspect we can turn it into on its head and turn it into a source of more stress and anxiety, right. So how do we do it? You know, I know that you said you have to incorporate whatever you resonate with, right as you go,
Tanya 5:02
Well, what's best for you? So what first resonates yes, but you also_ there's a hyper-awareness that's really important for you to understand where you are, where your body is, for that moment. And any of us, any people who are similar to how I lived many years is I always kind of wanted the right answer. Like just tell me what I'm supposed to do. And then you start to realize, first of all, there is no right one because it is going to be what's right for you. But on top of that the empowering and yet can also be frustrating thing is that it will change and what may serve you for the next three, six months to a year may not serve you in the same way after that. And that can be very powerful when you accept it. But there's times when we go, well. ‘I used to do this and it worked really well and now I just can't get back into it.’ Maybe that doesn't serve you now. And that's really powerful to do something else. Maybe used to get up at 4am every day and you loved it and right now you just can't get it together. That doesn't mean there's something wrong. It just means that maybe this season is a 5am 6am or 8am season.
Desiree 6:11
So right, yeah, I mean Iva and I often speak about seasons of our lives and she actually stopped to remind me of that like, the other day. Remember Iva, I wss saying ‘I feel was so bad like I haven't done this, I haven't done this.’ She said ‘Des, you just had a baby, you know, this is the season of your life, is different right now.’ Oh my God, you're right. And it's important to respect these times, right?
Iva 6:45
The fact that we are always evolving, that we're always moving into a direction where we're hopefully evolving and growing, but also there's this underlying truth and I think I read it in a book or someone coined it. It's not mine, obviously, but it's in the lines of saying ‘What got you here is not going to get you there.’ Right. So accepting a little bit that you are always going to have to go back and then if necessary, or reprioritize certain things in your life to get you to the next level or to the next step.
Tanya 7:23
Yeah. That's where that hyper-awareness where we kind of started with this conversation that hyper-awareness of where you are, is more important, then what you do, because the more that you're aware of where you are, you can make the best choices about what you need for that moment. But if you just get on the hamster wheel and go okay, well, I have this now and here's all the other stuff I tried to do and we just dump it on top. That is a road to burnout, to shame, to that cycle of feeling inadequate, as opposed to saying okay, ‘I used to do all this right now, the season looks like that. And now I'm going to say this is what I do.’ And not only is not the power of knowing where you are as well is also you can sit through and go: ‘I shouldn't be doing this. I shouldn't be doing that, I should be’ and so, even though you're not doing it, and you're seeing yourself doing it, you're carrying it on your shoulders as this ‘Oh my God.’ You can look at that season and go ‘you know what? This just isn't going to happen for this month and next month,’ then you get to lift that off your shoulder. You get to set it away in a nice little box and go cool. I'll see you in two months. I'll revisit you in two months. Yeah, and then freedom that's lifted instead of everyday going: ‘I shouldn't do it. I shouldn't do it. I shouldn't, I know.’ A word in that is anything that you're saying should I know we're a little upset but we'll come right back to this. But anytime that you're finding yourself using the word ‘should’_ ‘should’ is a past-focused word; ‘should’ is not a forward-looking, ‘should’ is not ‘I want to do this’_ ‘should’ goes on the path ‘I didn't do it and I should have’. Yeah, there's no power in looking back on that. There's no power in any of it-that literally is a pointless statement. So you choose one or two words to replace should with, you replace it with a will or won't.
Iva 9:22
Yeah, I love that. I love that Tanya and I'm trying desperately my brain is not functioning today. But we will share it in the in the show notes because it's not mine as well. But I did read it in a book. This whole should thing and what struck me was the author and it's slipping my mind right now but he will come to me hopefully, he said ‘you know the word should in the English language has only three applications. The first one is that there's the moral should- like you should not take advantage of other people, right because it goes against your values. It's not the right thing to do. The legal should, like you should not drive over the speed limit because otherwise you get a ticket right? There are laws that say you should not drive over the speed limit and the third one is a law of the universe should; if I dropped my pen, it should fall to the ground, right? It's not going to go upwards into the air. So anything else that doesn't fall within those three categories, as you say, carries this moralistic tone that also creates this rebel effect inside of us, and also we have shame and guilt because it now carries a lot of weight in that sense. So to your effect, like I will do this instead. Or it is to my advantage to do this right but yeah, so that openness and flexibility rather than using the ‘should’ right?
Tanya 10:45
But the truth is, even if this could help us come to my advantage, that statement is so almost useless because it's like ‘well, that's great, but what are we going to do?’ in the end it comes down to the action, right? I will do it or I won't and I don't mean that in a negative way. But this power is like you know what? I won't go to yoga this month. I just will not have that.
Iva 11:11
Tanya 11:13
You get to release it. It's such an empowering word will or won't just says what you're going to do. It takes the action part into it as a photo of the reflection of like, ‘oh, I should go to yoga’ is always lingering in the back of your mind.
Desiree 11:26
And I love what you said before just put it in a box you know, it doesn't mean it's gone. It doesn't mean you'll never do it. It's just you won't do it now and you've got
Tanya 11:38
You put a date to revisit it. Last time I was here, we talked about scheduling a lot and so that that idea of the of the knot now is a really powerful process but also saying you know what, not now but I will check back in_ pick a month, you know, December and where I am then and you can make a note to yourself just like you would it’s so and so's birthday is on December 10. You can write December 10 Start yoga question mark. And now you know you're gonna make that decision in December.
Desiree 12:10
Yeah, exactly. And then away from you, right? It creates that freedom
Tanya 12:15
It has a home
Desiree 12:19
Yeah. What do you think are some of the signs that we, were we need it's kind of like that alarm bell for us to say ‘okay, this is not working for me’ like we said ‘this is not this season. I have all of these to-do’s, but it's just not the right moment’ to release ourselves from that what do you think is like
Tanya 12:42
Well, I would say that it's very out there, a first sign the very first sign as far as something may need to change is when it's feeling like it should when it's feeling where it is burdensome, if it's causing stress, if it's causing shame, anything that you're consistently not making it to, is a good question to go instead of, if you see five days in a row, that you haven't made it to do something you've set out to do, instead of going ‘okay, gosh, next week I have to do it.’ Look at it and go ‘Is this the time to do it? Is this actually the time?’ and if that not gut reaction, something then you will go_ you'll say ‘Okay, then I'm really going to switch things around.’ So that becomes a priority are going to say, You know what? I feel okay. If I just don't do that right now. And I know that I can give it a home later. But there's that's what I would say the first thing when we're looking at it at a bigger scale, regular reflection is really powerful. Every day to actually look over your day and say what worked, what didn't, what was left every week to say_you know, one of the things we play around is scoring our days. And if you have if you score your day, a one out of 10 and you look back on your week and you have a lot of threes or a lot of fours. That's a really easy way to go. ‘Ooh, I'm not living the life that serves me the best right now.’ If I go to the end of every day last week, and it was a four that doesn't sound like a fun life to live under hand. That's under half of my enjoyment.
Desiree 14:15
Yeah, I love the scoring system. That's great. That's fantastic.
Tanya 14:18
Yeah, and that's what I love about is not a screen of how well you did it's like ‘how the hell did I like that day? Was it a good, I feel good about the way that the day was lived?’ And if you're like most of my day was doing a bunch of errands I didn't like and you get to the end of the week and you know, every week that you check in with yourself for that 10-15 minutes and go ‘Whew, that was a lot of fours. I was a lot of threes. Something should it's time to change something’.
And Tanya that also entails habits that we are putting into our daily lives into practice that are not serving us or that are very unhealthy, right? So how are we and I think that you can share with us some habits that definitely go into the opposite direction, right because when you are dealing with okay ‘my life is really or my day is really going out of for what is it that I'm implementing or maybe what can I do to give me the energy, the mental energy, the right the right energy for my brain, to going out the direction of where I want to be?
Tanya 16:16
And yes, so I know there's such a big topic been talking about so many powerful things here. But coming back into the neuroscience of things and anyone who didn't catch our last conversation, we really dove into the depths of neuroscience understanding, which is just a fancy way to say understanding the function of our brain, the biological processes that are happening in your brain, whether you understand them or not. We delve a little bit into understanding neuroplasticity which is again, just a fancy way to say that something that you do often, something that you do so regularly, your brain will create a superhighway that says ‘don't worry, you don't even have to think about it. I'll just make sure we do it. And that's like driving home where you're like I don't have to think turn left here turn right.’ Your brain is like ‘we got this, don't even think about it.’ We got to know every time you come home, you open the fridge and your brain says ‘don't worry, you've done this so many times. I created this lovely connection for you that you don't even have to think about it.’ And that's the beauty of it is that if that because our brain will actually make things simple for us. The downside is that most of the time we don't consciously create those habits. And then we go ‘Oh, I wonder why I'm always opening the fridge when I get home.’ So we dove into that understanding last time, a lot of other powerful moments about understanding how to focus how to create productivity and all these different things, of how our mind is really supporting us or fighting against us for what we do. And so I know this where we kind of came into now was going well that's great, but what about lifestyle for the brain and what that really just means is: there are things that and habits that we create in our daily life that either support or or go against that brain function. And so the habits that we have can serve us or they can destroy it. And as we said anything we do often enough eventually becomes automatic and that is a habit. And so we also want to make sure that we're creating habits that support our brain health. With something as simple through our general health, because poor health makes it harder to manage difficult situations and mom's like we're already usually sleep deprived. There's enough stuff going on in our life. We have kids, we're repairing relationships or managing money. So here we are in a moment where our kids might be screaming or they might be extremely sad. Our own poor health can actually make it difficult to handle those situations to the level that we hope to because it will take away our ability to cope with stress. Not there's a lot of wonderful tools out there to cope with stress. But when we come at the biological process of your brain able to cope with stress, our poor health will make it more difficult. It doesn't allow our brain to perform at its best. And so we
Iva 19:06
We even use the saying “I can't even think straight,” right?
Tanya 19:10
Yeah, can you literally really? Yeah. And there's so much actual science behind that idea. They say, you know someone who's sleep deprived, it's equivalent to having you know, to being drunk, literally minimum to two beers, and it can go even further
Desiree 19:25
And mostly fuzzy brain right? Yeah, like you're not going
To be making the best decisions while drunk. So yeah, one of the first things that I know it's in some way that is so obvious to us, but we kind of, we kind of throw it up, throw it away to the side because we want to push through is understanding the real true concept and this is a scientific concept even though it seems so basic for us is understanding the body budget. And what that means is that your body's energy and ability to deal with life effectively with balanced emotions is really important right life effectively with balanced emotions is like a bank. You can only draw so much money out before you run out. You cannot get more money out of an empty bank account. If you want more you need to put more money in and the same thing works for your body. You can only do so much. Take so much push so much until there's no more left to get. So if you want your body to do more and function well. I don't care what any productivity hack has told you. You have to put more energy in in the form of healthy food, rest, gratitude and good moods. We got to pay attention to how much we're taking out of our body budget and be aware when you need to make a deposit back in. I like talking about that.
Desiree 20:48
Yes, yeah, I love that that the second thing I'm going to adapt versus scoring my days, right including that number after the end of my day but how I feel and then the body budget that's really fantastic. And it's often we forget that, we discredit ourselves and we blame ourselves but then we don't do anything about it either, right? Yeah, we just find excuses or we blame the outside world for what's happening to us. But it really goes back to self-care and to respecting our ourselves in a way as well.
Tanya 21:26
And it can be as simple as asking yourself, you know, ‘do I need to make a deposit today?’ Do I need to make a deposit and then you know, sometimes you may only be able to deposit 20 bucks, sometimes you might deposit 20k. You know, maybe not big vacation. But having an empty bank account is not an option and so neither is having an antibody budget. So even if it's $1 and that's the thing is too many of us we think we need to only well I'll do it when I have 20 grand and put in I know I put in the 50 cents. Put in the like quick 10 minute
Iva 22:01
walk. Yes, yeah. And we were at this batch of hustle, right? Like it said like, like it's a badge of honor, this hustling and grinding and we're like, ‘oh my God, look even despite all of these things, I'm still here’ and you're like, No, actually it's a bit, I call it a bit of irresponsible towards ourselves, towards our families. Because we're really as Tanya as you said, we're not showing up in the way that is the best. We're not showing up as our best selves.
Tanya 22:28
Yeah, is this kind of martyr type of attitude which has really permeated culture for a long time in the motherhood space, right. You got you hear these beautiful stories that people say from the old years back like my mother gave everything she did everything. She would give the shirt off her back even if she was freezing. And then we started to go ‘well, that sounds really unhealthy.’ Because there's nothing for her to care about herself. Like I am worthless than anyone else. And then to go, I need I need the best of my mom. I need the best person who's going to show up for me. And so when you go okay, so they got me, but I was stressed I was tired. I was worn out. I'm not saying moms like don't do it. But I'm saying like the more you eat, the more you take care of stuff, the better they get. And this one I think is the real kicker for me. You're teaching them to repeat that same habit. You're teaching them
Iva 23:26
Yes, they're watching. Our children are watching. Yeah, or they react
Tanya 23:31
Yourself down take care of yourself last and think about those things. You're telling yourself like it doesn't matter now and goes that the inner dialogue I want them to have what I want my daughter to say. It's not important. I'm not that important right now. It doesn't matter. Everyone else matters more. I got into it for them. Is that what you'd want your daughter, son, anyone to do at this moment? And most of us will say, ‘Oh my gosh, I want her to do what's important.’
Desiree 23:57
Yes. I can get this body budget out of my mind is fantastic. Because it's true. For example, my season of life right now I have two young kids. One of them is a newborn. I have so much of myself that I need to give to them now. So what's left like the energy and creativity and everything is there's a little bit less less left for me but that's okay that's the season I am in. And one of I think the big problems as well that happens all around us is this comparison culture. Right? Looking at other people who you've been running alongside maybe and all of a sudden they're picking up or like it seemed to they're picking on speed or doing this or doing that and you're thinking but ‘wait a second. I can't keep up’ and you feel so bad about yourself but you have to really keep reminding of your yourself as it's just not my season. I don't have that budget at the moment that's not allocated there right now because I need to pay attention. I need to allocate this. This part of the budget to my family, my children, and later on like you said I can deposit some more back into me to be able to pick up on that part and put so so putting it all together now. Put those things in the box and open up that box again and then start producing more valuable whether it be content or whatever you're working on. Right. Just be more productive and press.
Tanya 25:35
Yes. And there's so many things that this brings up for me as we you know, we created the success schedule method, which is really what we talk about is about productivity in reality. And the reality part we stress a lot and what that is that too often, we take these amazing goals, these great ideas, and we try to take them and we go and do a vision board. We do all this stuff and then we just try to lump it on top of this existing life that we have with all its other things and chaotic. We should be great, because now I have a minimum of all these tools and you're sitting on top of this crazy thing. And so one of the first things we always do is to sit down and go what do you really have available right now? We don't I want to think even as I work in business, the first thing my clients go through is success schedule method. Because there's no point in us putting together the amazing strategy and all the great things you can do to build your business if you literally don't have the time and space to put it together.
Desiree 26:48
You’re describing me Tanya. Oh my God.
Tanya 26:50
We have to see what the power_ because the power in this process is that most people come to one or have two solutions. What are the situations: one is they do the work and we haven't blocked it all out so they really can’t see their true available time. Most people are only blocking out their appointments. But here what we're blocking out is all the stuff that you don't normally consider an appointment_ drive time with all that stuff. And then we find that there's these you may find that you have these tiny slivers left, and you're like, oh my Gosh, I literally have no time. And that's great. And they're like What do you mean that's great. I said so empowering because now you know why you felt stressed because you really have no time. Do you see where you're trying to fit in your goals? In these two 15-minute intervals that you have that you know every day? No wonder it feels crazy, because it is and now you have an opportunity to make a choice and say you know what, that's fine. I this is what it's going to look like the season I'm in and I will have these goals actually need to move somewhere else because this is just not realistic. Or you go well, gosh, maybe there's something here I need to uncommit to because I really want to do these goals right now. And so that then we move it so are you going the other way you go oh my gosh, I have so much more time than I thought what the heck is happening and you go great. Now we can figure out we know where it's been going and how you exactly time you have. And so either those are so powerful and so important to do and understand. And like you said, you know you went okay, I have this whole life changing experience. I should also get right back to where I was before
Desiree 28:46
That it does not work. I tried
Tanya 28:50
To circle back around to what we started with what you know where you are. That is the most powerful process for a strategy for your life for anything that for your plan or process of a vacation. Where are we starting? With what do we really have? And so yeah, that is that is definitely a huge thing. I love body budget. But yeah,
Desiree 29:14
Yeah. I love how you how you work with people and the approach you take to the coaching that you really look at everyone individually what is their situation right and sometimes we need that person next to us that empowers us or to tell that gives us the permission to know that's okay and that is exactly right. Because we're so hard on ourselves we are experts take expectations are sometimes way too high. So we need someone to say hey, it doesn't mean you won't be able to do it. It's just not now right?
Tanya 29:32
This is this is a powerful segue actually to another like lifestyle for the brain situation because another factor about the lifestyle for brain health is your environment. And because there's a thing called emotional contagion, and what that means just like a virus can be contagious. emotions are contagious. This is a real thing. This is a real studied scientific thing. And that that can go all the way from being in the room where you just know someone's in a bad mood and you start to kind of feel it. You're like, ooh, like you're, you start to tense up and you're like, Yeah, I was looking over their shoulder, right? But that also happens when you're scrolling Instagram. It happens when you're watching news. So you may think you can intellectualize it and go ‘oh, well, that's just information and I've just seen it,’ but the emotional situation if they're like breaking news, we should all worry about this. That stress that worry that anxiety is contagious and it brings it into your environment. My grandma had a great sage always say you know if you hang out in a barbershop long enough, you'll eventually get a haircut and wins every time. So it's really important that you set your environment up to win. You need to surround yourself with people that have a motivation and a winning mindset. Remove people or social media accounts that generate negative emotions with you. Or silence and if it's too hard to remove them. You can actually I say it's, it's not called silence them but it's you can like stop temporary not follow for like a month. Use them and you don't hear anything for a while. So you can go in and say you know what I love maybe it's a great account, but it brings up a lot of comparison issues. You can mute their posts for a month or two and say I just kind of not need that around me and later on. I'd love to learn from them. But right now just bring up the right things. But you you may not have full control of your environment that you have the power to set yourself up to function the best way with in it. So that's a really I just wanted that you brought up because that's another one of the lifestyle topics is really setting up your environment for the right mental health as well.
Iva 31:48
Yeah, so it's not only how we set up ourselves internally, as you say, through the energy bank, and saying like, ‘okay, these are the things that are going to go towards my body and my mental energy’, but also where am I hanging out and whom am I hanging out with? And are they really creating the emotions that are going to take me to an eight or a nine or a 10 instead of keeping me out of it at the end of the day.
Tanya 5:34
So it's really powerful to have those things understanding your body budget is really understanding when you need a deposit, and that also leads to the health of your brain, the health of your neurons, the neurons are the things that lead to your to cognitive ability. That means your memory, your ability to learn new things, your ability to concentrate right here. If you're an entrepreneur and you need to concentrate if there's some big thing you're trying to work on these things that things that stress creates, the more health we have, the more ability we have to create the strong connections in our brain that will help us deal with stress. So we may not always be able to remove stress out of our life. Well, the full stress is not a normal thing. I am very much against the idea that we need to accept that it is and we manage it no. But there will be stressful things that come and how we go through that is really going to be important on how well we're setting up the lifestyle not just for our feelings and emotions, but actually our physical health. And so when we understand that stress can reduce our physical health, it can reduce what's going on in our brain, not just how we feel but like I said it, it will help it, it will impact the production of neurons, which leads to that cognitive impairment. Now you're frustrated with yourself because you can't concentrate, you can't remember, and it creates this continual decline. On the flip side, we don't necessarily need to be afraid of stress, because there's the stress hormone, believe it or not, it's actually oxytocin, which is which is one of the feel-good chemicals, and it's released during when it's released during stress that actually motivates you to seek connection, which is really powerful because most of the time that's what we need, and it protects your cardiovascular system from the effects of stress. So going through stress is really a good pivotal point to say, ‘Oh, I have this decision to make, but it's when we keep it up at that normal rate all the time.’ So between body budget, understanding how we can deal with stress effectively view stress as almost say, okay, great, this stressful situation has given me an opportunity to seek connection do something better, how can I set up my environment or what I read in school and watch and who I surround myself to feel better? How can I keep moving to also move in that cognitive functions stimulate growth of my new connections between cells, keep me from losing my memory, all of those great things. And then I know we get we're gonna wrap up here soon, but one thing I want to really bring in is that we all know whether we want to or not, because the ads will send them to us or whatever, you know, that there's so many ideas out there about diets, right, how we eat what we do.
But what I want to talk about is when we're looking at diet in terms of lifestyle for the brain, we're looking at diet in terms of how do I make the things that I don't even have to think about work for me and just automatically bring good stuff in my life. All those feel-good chemicals, serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, 90% of serotonin and 50% of your dopamine is in the gut. It's our gut. Yeah. So the correlation between what you eat and how you feel physically, mentally and emotionally. It starts with your fork. Yes, it's so powerful. It's not about diet and losing weight and getting back to your frame. It is about supporting how you feel physically, emotionally and mentally. And it's just, it's incredible to really understand like, ‘Oh, my 90% of that feel good chemical that I can release will actually be supported by eating something good for myself right now.’
Desiree 35:54
Totally. With the work that I do. We do a talk a lot about gut health because yeah, exactly of those reasons. It really when the first thing when people come to us and they say look, ‘I have this, I have that or these conditions as a disease or sickness or something.’ It is the first and foremost thing that we need to look at is the nutrition aspect, right is all your health that will affect everything. So there is no point to do like all the other 10 exercises if that part is not resolved. So yeah, it is really really powerful.
Tanya 36:27
I love that you said that. There's a there's a sleep specialist, a doctor friend of mine, who I've worked with several times, She's incredible. Dr. Aarthi Soria and she shared this thing one time that she said, waking you know, these ideas that we should wake up at 5am get that great morning routine. I love that stuff. Okay, I do. But she said ‘Waking up at 5am when you're only getting like, you know, six, five or six hours asleep so you can work out is like stepping over gold to pick up a penny.’ Get the sleep. Get the sleep instead of the workout. Did that so like you're saying like focus on what you're eating so much more than the exercise right? Like when we start to we mix up with a true value of these things and go Why can't sleep more you lazy I miss my workout. Oh, don't step over that gold. That's gonna serve me way more
Desiree 37:45
And I'm afraid we're gonna open up another can of worms. I know. I know. I know. But it's true. It's one thing else that that I really learned in the past few months just for myself the sleep- when I went through several things at the beginning of the year and it's the sleep that also leads as to how often I'm like, ‘oh, yeah, I usually stay up late. You know? Like, it's okay. I'll sleep you know, when my kids are bigger.’ Yeah, hard to do. Yeah, yeah, I'll figure it out. But I have to draw the stuff in the golden hours from there. So, but no, because that's not gonna serve me at all. At all. Yeah, it's just sleep will make me healthier and we need to bring you back.
Iva 38:05
Thank you Tanya so much for being here with us today. And if you want to connect with Tanya we are going to list all of her amazing links in our show notes for website, ID, her Facebook, and also we're going to continue to share your wonderful freebie that you talked a little bit more in depth in episode 14 about your Goal Setting Bundle which is amazing. And to our listeners, you need to go and check it out. But Tanya thank you so much for all this wealth and gold of knowledge about how we can stay healthy and happy in in all areas of our lives, starting with ourselves, starting with our brain and starting with our gut. It's been amazing to have you.
Tanya 39:00
Thank you. Thank you so much. And it is Tanya MFK. I'm the only one in the world so it’s really easy to find if anyone wants to connect.
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We use Essential Oils to support our family a lot! We use them to keep everyone above the wellness line so we don't have to reach for any meds. And we also use them for emotional support. We've done our research and we always choose the best quality that we can find. So we definitely get all of our essential oils, cleaning and personal care products from Young Living. If you want to get your hands on them as well, use our link to get started. Go to And that way you'll automatically be in our oily essentials community to get expert advice from our metaphysical and clinical aromatherapists. After all, we create harmony by being in the right community!
Tanya MFK
A "break all the rules" business coach and life strategist for overdoing and underwhelmed entrepreneurs, Tanya teaches how to Unbusy your life, Untangle your business and Unleash your vision by building a strategy around your uniqueness. No cookie cutter B.S.
With over 18 years in global business development with Fortune 500 companies, million dollar start-ups and Grammy nominated artists and a degree in Applied Neuroscience, she was nominated Central Europe's Founder of the year in both 2020 and 2021.After losing her husband to cancer at age 25, this recovering workaholic began a mission to eliminate the hustle culture that poisons entrepreneurship and focuses on teaching others to enjoy life while creating a clear road to success.
Website https://
IG @ TanyaMFK