Make It Fun | A Systematic Approach to Money Management
Desiree 1:00
We're here today with Jen Patterson and Jen she is a money coach for entrepreneurs, the in-house coach for Iron & Pearl Financial and the creator of the Dollar Divas Money Club. Jen has helped hundreds of women gain financial independence and create lasting wealth with her unique take on money management and we can't wait to hear more about that. As a former financial advisor, she saw business owners who were rock stars, yet, they always struggled financially and that usually had nothing to do with their ability to deliver amazing results. It was because they really just didn't understand how to manage the money side of the business. Now Jen helps female business owners build a solid financial foundation, so they have a thriving profitable business, that actually pays. So Jen, it's so good to have you here today.
Jen 1:59
Well thanks for having me.
Iva 2:08
And Jen we, you know, today we want to dive into what you call a systematic approach to money management as entrepreneurs and this is really something that we tend to leave on the side, because we like to think of systems as entrepreneurs more into the automation part of things right, like how do I get more leads, how do I automate marketing content management and all those things. But building systems where our finances and our cash flow should be equally front and center. So, how early is it too early to start thinking about that, as an entrepreneur?
Jen 2:53
It's never too early, never too early. That's a good thing is that it's never too late, either. And, you know, it's so funny when it comes to money, because it's the way that I look at it, money is kind of like a giant tree that's growing up the center of your living room. Because it touches everything in your life, you know, the microphones we're talking on, the computers that we're connected over,l everything you see around you has been touched by money in some way shape or form. And yet, as humans we tend to stick our head in the sand and we'll lalalalala and pretend it doesn't exist. And so there's this really strange relationship with humans and money, and, you know, we better make our peace with it, because it's not going anywhere, like I said it's like the tree in your living room, your house is built around it, it's not going anywhere. So, yeah, so many people will stick their head in the sand and pretend that it doesn't exist, and then wonder why they're broke. And so there really is no too early or too late because it's never going anywhere so you might as well dive in, where you're at, because it's never going to go away.
Iva 4:07
And, and I love how you, how you put that you know about being a tree that you cannot ignore as much as you want. And what came up for me because it has come up in the past is that sometimes, because be it lack of knowledge, or just self-doubt about how to properly handle this important subject, but sometimes there's an element of pain and discomfort when you have to start having those conversations even with yourself. I mean those internal conversations of where do we even get started? Because just the thought of getting started is also very paralyzing. And I think that you can really help tap into how to effectively navigate with these emotions that might be coming up for most of us who were like, ‘oh my God, just balancing everything and just putting it all out there, it's just very frightening’ or there's this energy of, ‘I don't know if I can face the truth right now’.
Jen 5:19
It is a very scary topic because money is so directly linked to our survival. And it taps into that baser instinct, fight or flight reflex, that lizard brain, because it is so directly linked to our ability to survive if we don't have money-we don't survive. And so, all of that baggage and that fear and that guilt, all gets tied up in the way that we see money and the way that we handle money and it brings up that fear that, you know, ‘I don't know where to start is too overwhelming’ because not only is it linked to every single thing. It is an absolutely immense topic. You can study Money and Finance for your entire living life but you can study it for literally 100 years and still fairly crack the surface of what there is to know and learn about money and finance. So, it's no wonder that we all feel completely overwhelmed and exhausted and frustrated and really do want to stick our head in the sand, because it is an absolutely epic topic. So for anybody listening who feels that way. Don't worry, I've got you. So you know, if you're in that situation, and that's what's happening for you- you're scared you don't want to look at it you don't want to face it, even opening up like your bank statement gives you heart palpitations. First of all, give yourself a break. That's perfectly normal. I don't know a single person on planet Earth, who does not have some sort of money anxiety. It is just how things roll so first of all just fix it. Give yourself a little bit of a break, it's okay. The second thing you need to do is you need to just start familiarizing yourself with money and take away the mysterious factor. Because once we learn about something once we start familiarizing ourselves with it, then it becomes less scary. And so the way to do that is just to bring money into your everyday life. And you can start by just simply opening up your bank statement, every day, just looking at what's going on in your bank accounts, every day, create a habit around it and this is where that systematic part comes in- creating these financial habits and systems that are repeatable that are easy to replicate, so that it becomes less of a head game, and just something you do automatically like tying your shoes.
Iva 7:48
It's like a micro, micro habit, right?
Jen 7:50
Micro habit- you got it. Nailed it on the head. I call them tiny habits and no, that's not my phrase it is stolen from a wonderful gentleman named B J Fogg, who I definitely recommend you read his book, but yeah it's like those little teeny tiny things that we do every single day. And then it just becomes less scary and less overwhelming. So, if you're opening up your bank statement every single day and looking at them (and I say bank statements I do mean like your app or your online banking because nobody actually looks at statements anymore). But, you know, it's having what's going on in that account, knowing what the numbers are, knowing what the balances are, even if it's in the negative guys and I would say, especially if it's in the negative, you've got to know what's going on. Then it just gets less and less scary, every time you log in, that neural pathway gets more and more engrained and the fear comes out of it, and just those automatic habits take over.
And then the other thing that you want to do, once you've opened it up, is find a way to celebrate. Because, think about all of the existing habits we have particularly those ones around our cell phones, they all have bells, whistles, dings and all of that does is it forces your body to produce the happy hormones, you know, the oxytocin and the dopamine, I mean that really lovely fuzzy warm feeling. Well, you need to create that for yourself around your money. So open up your bank statement and find a way to celebrate it, it's got to be small and it's got to be instant- so open it up and scream ‘Yes!’, or open it up and you know, do a little dance or whatever, feel good, don't feel like you're being ridiculous or silly. Guys, this stuff works.
Iva 9:34
You're making a positive association, right? To that tiny habit.
Jen 9:39
Yes, yes, exactly. And then what that does is it engrains the habit even deeper and deeper, because we all know how easy it is to get addicted to those cell phones and that’s because they tap into those hormones. So, you can hack the system, tap into those hormones yourself, and create a positive association with your money rather than a negative one.
Iva 10:00
Oh, that's brilliant. I love that. I love how you put it because it is, money is also energy, right? In a lot of ways, it's not this little dollar bill that we're carrying around in a wallet or that as you say, it's just a number on a screen, but it's also tied up to energy, and so if we are associating positive energy levels to just even interacting with our money, in the sense of looking at the bank statement that's already in imprinting a good association, so to speak. I love that.
Desiree 11:33
And do you feel that, especially as a female entrepreneur, a lot of us we go into business, very very passion driven. Often it is because of we would like for example, we are expat wives- we are following our husbands from country to country, they're the ones with the job, and we have out of that decided ‘hey I need my own identity back- I need to start my own business, I want to do this, I’m choosing something I'm completely passionate about’. So the front line of us having a business sometimes is of course money is always good. We want to earn money right? But it is more very, very passion driven. What kind of advice can you give people like us who are just really not focused on like this systematic approach of money from the beginning?
Jen 12:27
There's nothing wrong with going into business because you're following your passion. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. And there's also nothing wrong with saying ‘I want to make some money while I'm pursuing my passion’. And I think, where a lot of people really get hung up, is that they think it's mutually exclusive. Or passionate or you're after money. It doesn't have to be that way.
They do not have to be totally separate ideas. They can go hand in hand, think about there are literally hundreds of thousands of people out there pursuing their passions and bringing home bank, like that's okay. And I think it's about flipping the script about what money is, you know, I think there's a lot of, you know there's a lot of negative press so to speak around money and there's all of this sort of judgment around wanting to make money because then it's associated with greed and all these awful negative things that you don't want to associate yourself with. And I think part of it was, you know, societal views, but also, you know, your internal views on money like you can still make a lot of money and be pursuing your passion, there's nothing wrong with doing both. Just because you're making a lot of money doesn't mean that you're not pursuing your passion. Exactly, and you're, you're not ignoring your passion, if you start to make money- you’re not cheating on it.
Desiree 13:44
I feel the preconception, the fear that a lot of these women have to say like ‘hey, I want to help someone, but something that passionate about, I want to go all in’, but then they think ‘oh no, but she's like, I'm starting to make money off people I know and people I care about’ because that's where it often starts, right? And so, it's like this fear of pursuing it, of going all in of actually labelling yourself. I am now running a business, and just helping people doing this thing I love but it's a business, so money becomes an issue like a topic, not an issue, but a topic, so. Yeah, but you're so right.
Jen 14:28
Yeah, and I think that that is something that you need to start looking inward. When people have those hangups around their finances and asking for money, particularly guys this is such a female issue. So many women battle. This one, this is a gnarly one. But you have to start looking inward and start thinking okay, but where are these feelings coming from, and a lot of it generally comes from our money history. So like we all have a money story, we all have a money history so where is it in your money history that you think that asking for money to do something to provide value is wrong?
And so, you know, take some time and journal it out, you know, for anybody who's real nuts and bolts and, you know numbers person, yes journaling does sound a bit woo woo but I'm telling you that works. You're talking to the Queen of spreadsheets and I'm a big believer, guys. Wow, I love that spreadsheet but sometimes you just need to write it out and get it out on the page.
Usually the place I like to start with people is what is your first money memory? So when you think back to your childhood- what is the first time money really became part of your consciousness? And these are very telling memories. A lot of times, you know, they'll be like ‘oh well you know I was out with my parents, and you know my dad said to my mom that we can't afford this or or whatever’ like there's, There's a bajillion different memories out there but like, quite often they tend to be on the negative side for our generation. So you know, write it all out, then walk away from it for 24 hours, maybe a couple of days but no longer than that and then go back to the money memory and read it again. And what I can almost guarantee you're going to find is a pattern that you live out as an adult. Is going to be rooted right there in one of your earliest money memories.
Iva 16:18
It's like a money blueprint that you've been repeating
Jen 16:22
Just repeating subconsciously or consciously over and over and over again throughout your lifetime. And until you actually take the time and recognize these patterns, they're just gonna keep repeating themselves because you're not aware of that.
Iva 16:34
And this is where these micro habits that we spoke about celebrating, doing this little dance, if you start getting into the habit of opening your bank statement just starting off with that. So I wanted to go back Jen to what are some practical steps that we can start taking to create this money management system, once we start to, to really go on the other side of the fence of going from, I don't even want to look at it, to okay, I've done it, it's not painful, it's not going to kill me, it's actually sort of fun, because I'm already having all these happy hormones associated with it. And so, what are some now some steps that I can take into that direction of saying and building a money management system around my business?
Jen 17:23
Yes. Okay, so the very, very, very first step after you started the what I call the pay attention phase is when you're looking at your statements and actually paying attention for once, is you have to set a Money Power Hour and this has to be every single week. Now, I believe that every person should have a Money Power Hour but particularly entrepreneurs. As an entrepreneur you need to have your finger on the pulse of what your business is doing, what is your money doing, and how is it supporting you and your lifestyle? Because that's what money is there to do is there to support your lifestyle. And so if you can't find an hour in your week to dedicate to your finances, then why should it support you? So, carved out-
Iva 18:05
I'm sorry I’m intrigued because it has to be a full hour?
Jen 18:08
It does.
Iva 18:10
Jen 18:11
Yeah, you need to spend a full hour once a week with your finances and I really mean a full hour. So carve it out and have it be the exact same time every single week- create a ritual around it. This is again where that systematic part comes in creating those habits. Okay, so my personal ritual is Saturday mornings, what I do is I, you know, get out of bed a little bit of a slower morning for me, and I go and make myself a cup of tea. And once my cup of tea is steeped, I go to my big filing inbox where I keep all of the mail that comes in and any other important paperwork that I need to deal with, and I grab the paperwork and grab my cup of tea, and as soon as I do those two actions, those are the start of my habit.
And now, once that happens, I immediately just without even thinking about it, walk downstairs, open up my laptop and I dive into what's going on with my finances for the week. So I do things like pay my bills. I go through my revenue for the week and decide how I'm going to allocate it. I, you know, have a look at you know, my bookkeeping, I go through any paperwork that comes in I pay any bills. All of my credit cards get paid every single week. Yes, that’s right I pay my credit cards once a week because 30 days is a long time and a lot can happen in 30 days, whereas seven is a lot more manageable, bit more bite sized. If you're paying your credit cards every week, believe me, you're gonna have a lot less debt in the long run. But that is the first step is creating that every single week that ritual, that habit, of sitting down and going through your finances and, you know, in my pay program I do provide people with literally a checklist, you know, sit down, open your laptop, do this, then this and then this, so you make sure that you tick off all of those things, every single week.
Iva 20:14
Okay, and you call this the Money Power Hour-love it.
Desiree 20:19
I like it, I like it. And you mentioned something really important: your revenue allocations.
Jen 20:38
Yes, I'm so glad you picked up on that!
Desiree 20:28
Yes. So tell us more. Do you have like a little tips or percentages or advice where you say, ‘Okay, this is my revenue coming in this percentage should go towards this and this and reinvesting into my business’ or something like how would you tackle that?
Jen 20:51
Oh that is literally like an entire course that I teach, so I know we'll touch on it a little bit but believe me, if you really want to dive into that and then come find me and we'll get you enrolled in the course.
Desiree 21:00
Jen 21:01
But really the way that I look at revenue is particularly as a business owner, and especially for the newer business owners out there, is you have to think of revenue like a cookie. And the reason I say cookies is because they're usually round and they're fairly small so most people can picture a cookie. And when you are an employee- that cookie that you bring home, all it has to do is feed your family, you know, and take care of their needs so that's all it has to do. When you're a business owner, that cookie has got a lot more jobs to do. It's gotta make sure that your taxes are paid, it's got to make sure that your contractors are paid, it's got to make sure that your operating expenses are covered, it's got to make sure that you have profits, you know, all of these different jobs that is pulling on this cookie. And it can be really overwhelming. So in the first, you know, few years of business and beyond, but particularly in those first few years of business, you have to think of your revenue like that cookie, and you have to divide it up like you said, by percentages, you cannot create a budget in the traditional sense, because most budgets are based on dollar amounts, and I don't know about you, but as an entrepreneur, you can’t always count on that revenue being there.
So, you know,
Desiree 22:12
Yes, it’s very up and down exactly,
Jen 22:13
It's like a roller coaster! And so most people will create a business budget, and then they'll come short one month and they have no idea what to do, but you always have 100%. Always. If you make $1 or if you make a million dollars, you always have 100%. So going back to the cookie. If you divided up by percentages: you know, a quarter of this cookie is going to go to my taxes, you know, 10% of this cookie is going to go to long term savings and all of that sort of thing. Now, as to how much to create those percentages for that is so very dependent because you have to think about how different everybody's business is. Somebody who's in say like a coaching based business where all they need is a laptop and an internet connection, they're going to be able to allocate a much bigger percentage of that money to pay themselves than somebody who is in a product based business where they have to buy stock and they have to have a physical space, you know,
Iva 23:03
Fees, or pay rent
Jen 23:10
Or pay rent, exactly. They're going to have to spend a lot more of their revenue, just keeping the lights on and so, when you're in those early days, it's gonna fluctuate and you're gonna have to, you know, play with things a little bit to try and find that sort of magic allocation that's going to work for you. But really, you know, that's something that is needs to be addressed, and you need to have a portion of that to be paying yourself. From day one, because otherwise you're never going to be yourself, that's a whole other topic, because you’ll be surprised how people don't actually pay themselves. That is how you have to look at your revenue is by percentage.
And the other piece of the puzzle that a lot of people miss is that they just keep everything in one count, and then they think well you know ‘I'll just keep track of it and notice you won't, you won't keep track of it it's not going to work’ and what's gonna happen is you're gonna see the balance in the account you're gonna think that's how much money you have and you're gonna go and spend it then you're gonna forget that ‘oh I've got taxes coming up and payroll is due next week’ and then suddenly, you're short and we're panicking and the gray hair start forming and the wrinkles start to show through. And, you know, that's, that's not really something that we all want to do as entrepreneurs, We're in this for the lifestyle- at least that’s what I want. So, what you want to do is not only do you want to allocate your revenue by percentages, you actually want to remove it from your operating expense account and open up a whole system of bank accounts. So, you want to have multiple bank accounts supporting your business, not just one, like talking anywhere from three to I've seen up to like 20. Oh yeah. The more complex the business the more complex your banking architecture needs to be.
Iva 25:01
Rule of thumb you would say?
Jen 25:01
I would say between three and five. For early entrepreneurs, three and five usually work. So those ones would be:
-Central deposit account where you've got everything coming into it so all it is is like a big holding basin, you know like rainwater catching that all the money that comes into this one account, and then once a week during your Power Hour, you go into that account and say ‘okay, I've got $300 and according to my revenue allocation that I've already mapped out I'm going to put $100 into so you want to have taxes, guys, you have to have an account for your taxes. Because let me tell you that that tax man ain’t going to wait, so I don't care what part of the world you live in taxes are a part of your life.
- Taxes. You have to have a separate account just for taxes.
- Paying Yourself: You need to have a separate account just for paying yourself. Yes, I'm gonna say that again, have an account that is dedicated to paying your own paycheck. That is absolutely critical.
- Operating Expenses: You need to have one for your operating expenses because those are, you know, just as important, we got to have money to make sure our operating expenses are covered
- Emergencies: and then you want to have another one for emergencies, So have an emergency account because I don't know what's going to go wrong. I don't know when it's going to go wrong, but I can guarantee with every ounce of my being, that something is going to go wrong in your business and cash always makes it better. No matter what the problem is it always makes it better.
Iva 26:28
Yeah, that's the Rainy Day bucket.
Jen 26:29
Rainy Day bucket, have we all not experienced, you know 18 months of pouring rain, thanks to the COVID virus? Like we all know that junk happens like this stuff goes on so you, you can't just take kindness and pretend that everything's gonna be roses, sunshine and bunnies. Have something there to cover you and systematically choose you know, anywhere from one to five percent of your revenue has to go into that account. That's yeah,
Desiree 27:00
That's really good. I counted five accounts, that's good. Yeah, central, the money catcher, for your personal sort of personal paycheck, the rainy day one, the taxes, and the expenses. But that's interesting, because it's like, I personally always have the issues well because we're overseas, and, oh, I definitely, I think I suffer multiple personality disorder and many things like how many email addresses I have, but also about like sort of the bank accounts and all the different countries they're in, you know, and it's like, it's really complicated, especially when we move all the time like conversion rates and like international people pay you here and there, it's like, I’m so confused.
Iva 27:52
You're not dealing with just one banking institution, you're dealing with different ones. Like I know, I know for a fact that I have accounts abroad in my previous country Panama and even the time zone is different so even if you have, or you need to talk to someone you need to take into account their time zone and then it's sort of like if there's another layer of sophistication if you will to do that but I guess it's also part of the journey. And of the fun.
And so, Jen, what, what are some things now, we covered like, you know, having this this five different accounts, understanding that we need to pay ourselves, obviously, and making sure that we really establish this ritual of like one hour per week to our money so that it also starts working for us. But what are some mistakes that you see that people make that you should definitely avoid where at least like the main one- that you're like steer away from this common mistake or activity or something that you're doing or not doing that you need to watch out for.
Jen 29:10
Yeah, absolutely I would say the biggest mistake is really just that, putting your head in the sand and ignoring things. Because it is, it is something I see people do time and time again they'll think, ‘Oh well, I'll get to it later. Although thing, you know, oh, when I'm making more money I will figure this out’ and let me tell you that when you're making more money, that means that you have more clients, that means you have a more busy business and you're not going to have the time or the mental capacity to now then go and learn this other skill set. Because it is an entire new skill set like it's part of being a business owner, so why not take the time when you're new and things are a little slower and you have a little bit more freedom and flexibility of your time to dedicate to your future self and say, I'm going to learn this stuff inside out backwards. I should have made a habit, I'm gonna, you know, get those neural pathways, really, really ingrained, so that when I am busy and thriving this stuff is like tying my shoes, rather than having to figure it out on the fly,
Desiree 30:09
Then it's all like kind of automatic for you already and I always love how you really mentioned that whole mindset thing it's so important to get that right from the beginning because you're right, now it's, we're in the creation stage and everything but we're scaling and like the busier we get, the more difficult it gets to run the money.
30:31 For example, Iva and I are both creating courses and we're like, how much do we charge for our courses and that's a huge thing again this is tied to our worth, how valuable this information is, and we're putting in the time invested, you know, all of that but then putting a price tag on it, it's like, it's a deep work inside that you've got to do. It's very, very true.
Jen 31:03
So, we didn't even talk about pricing your services, oh my gosh, that's a whole other whole other podcast. Oh lightful minefield of all sorts of guilts and other fun things.
Iva 31:16
We do know for example, that you have this awesome freebie for us today, which is 15 Money Habits That You Can Incorporate tomorrow, or even today if you want to increase cash flow and pay off debt. So, this is a great starting point for all of us that just need to get started on something right and this, you know you have Fifty habits that you can-. Is it to choose from. Jen, you have to do all fifty?
Jen 31:41
Oh gosh no. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO because and this is definitely for not only the money novices, but those of you even who are a little bit more money savvy, you know, absolutely, these things can be applied at any part of your journey. This is not just for anyone at a specific point in their sort of financial journey so that's the first part. And then the other part is, is yes, you've got to pick and choose what's going to work for you, right, because we're all different. We're all unique, and you know things that work beautifully for me are maybe not going to work for you guys and that's totally fine. And so that's why I created such a big list is because I want people to be able to pick and choose, you know, what's going to work for them, and it may be even something that you incorporate now, and it serves you for the next 3, 6, 9 months, and then maybe you need to step it up and choose a different habit from the list that you need to incorporate and maybe you let the older ones sort of slip away. I can honestly tell you, I don't open up my banking app every single day anymore because, you know, that's not, that's not a habit that serves me anymore. I've got you know my weekly Money Power Hour I'm always very dialed into what's happening with my finances. So, you know, having the daily look at my bank account, isn't something that I really need to do.
But for somebody who's in their you know very early stages of their money relationship and trying to figure that out, that's something that I would say is hyper critical, because it needs to develop that money where they're gonna be more comfortable with it. So like I said it's, it's definitely a tool to, you know, pick and choose, and find what’s going to work for you.
Iva 33:15
And Jen can you also tell us a little bit about the signature program that you're currently working on? The name is Dollar Divas Money Club, and we are so keen to learn more about this because this is definitely something, an area obviously everything that is financial that is so tied up to a business and and as an entrepreneur is great to know that there's, you know people like you that are, are having this programs to help women like us get, get their ducks in a row, so to speak. So can you tell us a little bit about, about what The Dollar Divas Money Club is going to be about?
Unknown 34:01
Yeah, so The Dollar Divas Money Club was something that came about because, you know, because I saw this need. I saw this gaping hole in a lot of the entrepreneurial programs out there. I saw a lot of programs on how to make money how to start businesses but there was never any information on what to do with the money because you've got it in your hands. And I really believe that that is 50% of running a successful business. You've got to be able to get the business, but you also have to be able to manage it so that it is financially stable, and then you can weather the storms and so that was how The Dollar Divas Money Club was born.
And so what it is, it's a training program for female entrepreneurs and it's a very go at your own pace, community based program because entrepreneurship, as we all know, can be pretty lonely, and we can feel a little bit like we're the only ones who are in this situation. So you know I wanted to create a community where women could talk, gather together, talk about money, learn about money and feel like they have a really supportive, peer group around them, so that was where The Dollar Divas Money Club was born. It's a place where I'm in there all the time in the community talking to our members, providing weekly trainings, you know, all of that every single week, we talk about all the stuff we talked about today, and then some like I said money is such an epic topic, I could literally teach this program with brand new trainings every single week for the next 20 years,
Iva 35:23
It’s very dynamic, right? It’s a very dynamic subject all around
Jen 35:29
And it's always changing and there's always, you know, different things, but at the same time a lot of these you know core concepts they're things that you can learn at any stage of your business and the things that you can incorporate at any stage.
Desiree 35:42
You make it so much fun, like you're so passionate about this, you make it really fun because often we think like the money, the financial, of course money is good but again it's like a bit dull. But I can see how we can totally change that narrative, even by having a guide like you you know, to help us through this so
Jen 36:02
Yeah money is fun guys! Money gives you the experience and the delightful things that life has to offer. Money is your ticket to those things so like let's really make friends with it
Iva 36:15- 37:36
And touching on Desiree’s comment I think there's a little bit of you know this this gender bias stereotype that you have about a stuffy, you know usually older guy in a suit, you know, you know, with his like, you know spreadsheets and his calculator or you know whatever it is to say, Jen is rolling her eyes out, killing at all and we sort of feel like that, that is the, the only alternative when in actuality is, as you say, it's, it could be a community. It's absolutely could you share with other peers and other women collectively into this, this fun aspect of growing your business because he grows when you start to make more money, obviously like it's all connected. So this is amazing.
Jen 37:02
And there is something truly magical about getting into a space where women are openly talking about money, it really is a truly magical thing and I'm rolling my eyes because you literally were describing the first five years of my career where I was surrounded by white haired dudes in suits and and then there was me with my little pink blazer and I was like, ‘Yeah, I'm here’.
Iva 37:29
You were the Elle Woods of the financial world.
Desiree 37:36
I love it so great. Oh my God, I can't wait for us to connect further, honestly. We're definitely need to book another episode to talk all about pricing our services and our products. Yeah, I think you're gonna make this fun, and you're going to help us take that like ‘ I feel so bad about it’ kind of feeling out
Jen 38:01
“You serve, you deserve”, that is one of my favorite quotes from the lovely Denise Dunfield Thomas, if you’ve never heard of her look her up she has some fabulous books on money mindset so that's a great resource. It's a fabulous phrase- I read that and I was like, ‘Heck yeah!”
Desiree 38:21
There we go. So stay tuned for that episode as well.
Iva 38:26
So much Jen for chatting with us today. We loved having you here with us. And if you want to connect with Jen, you can find her on Instagram @divainthetrenches and Facebook as well and we'll put all of this links in the show notes, and you can also visit her website to get her amazing freebie, which is And as well, you have a podcast so, Jen has every resource that you can imagine to really help you out and get you started into working the systems. We'll put all of this in the show notes so that the listeners can find you and they can get on board with working with you.
Jen 39:17
Thank you so much for having me. You guys are so much fun. Thank you.
Desiree 39:22
We had so much fun to see you next time.
Important Links:
Momergy Essentials - Home | Momergy Essentials
Iva Perez - The Momergy Movement
Desiree Bonau - Oily Essentials
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Facebook Group: Momergy Essentials | The Work-Life Harmony Movement
@mom.bosses.abroad Instagram
@desiree_oilyessentials Instagram
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Jen Patterson
Jen Paterson is a Money Coach for Entrepreneurs, the in-house money coach for Iron & Pearl Financial and the creator of the Dollar Divas Money Club. Jen has helped hundreds of women gain financial independence and create lasting wealth with her unique take on money management. As a former financial advisor, she saw business owners who were rock stars and yet struggled financially. It usually had nothing to do with their ability to deliver amazing results! It was because they didn't understand how to manage the money side of their business. Now Jen helps female business owners build a solid financial foundation so they have a thriving, profitable business that pays!!
IG @divainthetrenches
50 Money Habits You Can Incorporate Tomorrow To Increase Cash Flow And Pay Off Debt-