Building Connection | Talking to Your Kids About Sex
Iva 1:02
Hi, and welcome to a new episode of The Mom Bosses Abroad podcast. We are here today with Mandi Nuttall. She is helping parents have yearly talks with their kids about their body and sex. And today we're going to delve into this topic of why is it important to talk to our children about these topics: about their bodies and also about the sex part. So Mandi, welcome to our podcast!
Mandi 1:41
Thank you. I'm really excited to be here, guys.
Desiree 1:43
Yeah, it's so good to have you here. You are a former high school health teacher correct. And a collegiate volleyball player at BYU and you have since adopted the self-proclaimed claimed titles: taxi driver, nutritionist, Doctor, therapist, personal trainer, a cancer fighter, interior designer, janitor, photographer and chef. Oh, what mothers all have to carry, don't they? All since marrying.
Mandi 2:15
Honestly, when you when you put it all together like that, it sounds pretty crazy, but it's true.
Desiree 2:20
It is true. And I love that you totally list that out, because you know, like we need more credit over here don't we? With all the things that we have. And you also you've married your soul mate and then you became a mother. And now you are actually-oh my goodness- you are a mother of five children. After you had twins that brought up the balance up to five- that is so amazing.
Mandi 2:50
That wasn't the plan. What happens a lot of times, it's not your plan. No, they were a complete surprise. Those little two.
Desiree 2:57
Oh, wow. Wow. Can you tell us what are their age ranges now?
Mandi 3:02
So my oldest is 13 we had a boy first and then Dasia she's 11, and then a seven year old boy and the twins are now five. So it's been it's been a wild ride. It still is!
Iva 3:20
All the ages represented in one go. [Inaudible] go through the different stages. You have them all displayed at once.
Mandi 3:29
Yeah, I mean this book, there's been a lot of trial and error and a lot of practice using them using what we teach in the book, so
Desiree 3:37
But that's amazing because you have such a wealth of experience, right? And I'm always saying I'm taking such.. like always taking notes, because I'm actually expecting our second one right now. Very, very, soon so it's always nice to know. I have a four-year-old now but then also okay what is going to be expecting me what do I have to gear up towards to? But tell us, we are so intrigued by your book collection: The Birthday Suit books, tell us how did you get into that? How has your journey been with those?
Mandi 4:22
Yeah, of course. So, I did not like set out to be talking about sex- like that was not like my big thing that I wanted to do it in my life. But when I graduated college, I was a high school health teacher like you said, and I loved teaching health to the kids. It was so fun because everything that I taught they just paid attention to and they just soaked it all in and when we got to the sex ed unit, of course that was their favorite because they did not have that kind of a conversation normally like that was a new thing to them. And I loved it because we really connected. I've connected with all of my students in such a cool way, that like at lunchtime, they wouldn't leave like they would all come back and they'd want to keep talking and asking questions. And we just really created this wonderful bond. My students and I.
And I told them I want to do this for my kids. I want to teach my kids I want them to come to their high school health class and know everything. Like I wanted them to know before because honestly, these kids should have been taught by their parents before they were taught by me. And most I would say above 90% I was the first one to teach them this content, which was sad, like it was sad, but I mean, of course I was happy and glad to do it. But I wanted my kids to be educated and to know just the basic anatomy and physiology of their bodies. So, as I was raising my kids, I would have friends and then they asked me like, ‘how do you how do I do this? What do I say? I'm so afraid to say the wrong thing.’ And I'm like, I would give them pointers and tips and more and more people asked me and I'm like, you know, I just got to write a book about this because I know my strategy is they know how to do it in a way that's comfortable. And that's just kind of how this idea came and five years later, here we are.
Desiree 6:24
Wow, that is so interesting. And because Iva and I we were just talking, I was just sharing with her because I am currently pregnant, my four-year-old has been asking a ton of questions. And so I need to have this conversation with you now.
Iva 6:45
And Mandi, one of the things you know, tying it up with what Desiree is saying, one of the things that you know, seeing from your Instagram account, I came across this very recent post and it's so powerful, it says: “When your kids are thoroughly educated about their bodies, they will be more likely to use that knowledge wisely.” And I love that and I want to dive deeper into that because sometimes the first question that comes to mind as parents is, how young is too young to introduce this concept of sex and body parts and all of that. And so, we will love to hear what your experience has been and where you can teach us about this this subject because a lot of people, especially where I come from in Latin America, there's still a lot of taboos around that topic itself and people are very conservative. So it's time to start changing a little bit the narrative but also understanding that we have to look at it from the point of view as your quote says, in the future, this information is going to empower them. And they're going to use it very powerfully to their advantage. So, tell us a little bit of what your experience has been with that.
Mandi 8:01
Okay. So parents most of the time when they think about teaching their child about their body and sex, they think about what they think that sex is and what their experience has been and their trauma or their intimacy or their emotions and that's not what we're teaching children. Eventually, we'll get there. But when you are first teaching your child, you are teaching them the absolute basic, basic core purpose of what sex is. And this is interesting. When I asked parents- I interviewed 126 parents as I was writing this book- and when you ask them: ‘What is the core purpose of sex?’ Let me ask you guys, let me let me see what you guys say: What would you say the core purpose of sex is?
Iva 8:46
Procreation. Preserving the species?
Desiree 8:53
Exactly. It's one of the most natural things that we have done forever. Exactly. In order to reproduce or to produce children,
Mandi 9:02
Okay, you guys are awesome. I did prep you a little bit. But you guys, that is dead on. If we approach teaching a child, that way, that sex is the is how you create life_it is so fun, and it's exciting and it's relevant. And a child can grasp things like DNA, some comes from dad and some comes from mom and when it combines it fertilizes and it grows. They can understand that. And then the thing is, is we don't teach like penetration and the actual mechanics of sex until lesson nine. So when they're nine years old, that's when we teach the actual penetration. But before that, the kids are taught everything else from, like I said, fertilization, DNA, pregnancy, delivery. All of those things, before they even learn about penetration. And when they do learn about it when they're a little more mature at nine years old. It just makes sense when they have all that wealth of knowledge beforehand. And I've seen this and I practice this with my kids, but parents just get so scared because they think ‘oh, I had to teach them about like, penetration right now at three or four years old.’ No, that's not needed. So it's just the perspective of how you look at it.
Desiree 10:21
That is so true, because also when Iva was just saying that this the conservative household, I mean, I'm half Asian_ my mom is originally from Indonesia_and Asia is one of the biggest taboo topics. So I also in a way, grew up like, just don't talk about it. It's really like it's something you don't speak about. So this is it's true and it's so interesting. It is actually really eye opening that it is the most natural thing. And also how are the children created? How did I get into this world, right?
Mandi 10:55
I mean, if you look at it and teach it that way, it's so beautiful, and it's not a gross thing, and it's not an uncomfortable thing. When you look at it that way, and I also grew up and I am very conservative and and the book and how I approached everything. It's just the basic, basic facts. And then I leave it open for parents to give their own family values and to I don't want to push any political agenda or religion I just share the beautiful anatomy and physiology that it creates. I mean, what our body, how it's created. Incredible, like if you really learn about the body, it's incredible.
Let me let me share a story of what I share the story in the book, but when I was little, we were in Las Vegas and if you've ever been there, in a Caesar's Palace you're walking through and then there's this giant statue of David. And there's this giant naked man when I was little and I was like, ‘Whoa, there's a naked man.’ It was an uncomfortable moment for me and my parents said okay, ‘look away’ and it was it was kind of awkward. At first when I first saw that again, I was taken back. It was my first time really seen a penis before. And now watch this: as I got older I learned more about that statue. And I learned more about Michelangelo and how he created it and it was one block of marble and no one really knew about anatomy. They never did autopsies or things like that they didn't really know about human anatomy. And the way that he created it from like the muscles to the veins, to his stance to the proportions. It's incredible how he did it. And it took him two years to create this and he was working out in the rain in this open courtyard. And like once I really started to learn about how this piece of art was created, and understand the creator- Michelangelo- and how he did it. And when I look at and I didn't just see a giant penis, I just I saw art. And then the next time I saw it, I tried to find a new appreciation for it. And honestly when we when we look at the creation of it and how it really works in the history, there's so much more respect than just ‘oh don’t look up that's a giant naked man.’ That's the more you know, the more you respect for sure
Iva 13:16
What you shared just now from that story, it illustrates also how important it is to understand that the whole topic about body parts and sex and how we get the you know, into the planet how the species procreate, and how life comes to be, it's also related to self-esteem. To health issues with regards to how much you love and respect your body because if from the get go, we already are instilling- as you got from your parents in that moment- that sense of shame, you know, that sense of ‘don't look that's that's bad,’ there's something inherently bad with that then. It makes you feel that something with you is wrong. When it's the most natural thing because it's part of your body and then we can really, I mean, it's not the scope of this episode and what we're talking about, but we can really project it out into body image issues and feeling that you have to be ashamed of yourself somehow also within your psyche. So, it's great that we, the way you talk about it, it shows how much love and how much respect we should also put within the information that we give out. It's facts, yes, as you say, it's not about becoming political or anything like that, but to do it in such a loving way. And I feel that also part of your of what you bring to the table is to strengthen that relationship as well between parents and children. Can you share a little bit how about that? Can you share with us a little bit how dad comes to be because of this exchange?
Mandi 15:05
So I feel like this is like the golden nugget that parents are missing. They don't understand the relationship potential that can happen if you can have this kind of relationship with your child where they can come to you and talk about this. If they feel like you're going to be a source of shame, or if you're going to blow them off, you are missing out on this beautiful connection that you can have with your child. And that's my biggest message that I'm trying to share with this book is that if you have these conversations every year at least once a year like, I give you a guided what to say like lesson plan every year, but throughout the year, you're going to have more of these. If when if you can connect and create that connection. I mean, hopefully when they're younger but you can also do it when they're older, of course, and continue when they're older, there's just I just there's untapped potential relationship potential that a parent and child can have that two parents and a child can have. And it's so it's often overlooked. It's often you know, brushed under like ‘oh, don't wanna talk about that.’ But yes, talk about it. And the more you do when they're younger, and they get used to these birthday suit talks, you know, that's what we call them, the more they have these when they're younger, when they're teenagers, they're not like ‘oh, what are you talking about this for?’ Like they know we're going to talk about this. We're going to talk about these issues. We're going to talk about our family values. What do we believe in? What do we expect of you and we're going to write them down and give them to the child. I have a family values journal as well that mirrors the book that they can write down the things that we talked about in our book and give it to the child and say, ‘Hey, this is what we believe in. And this is what we expect of you and this is what we hope for you and yeah, there's just parents, be brave.’
Iva 16:59
And you love that. Yeah,
Desiree 17:00
Exactly. And I love that you keep it so open
Mandi 17:02
Yes that open communication is so important,
Desiree 17:07
It’s open and then also that you give the facts but you leave enough room for the parents to put in their own personal values or religious values, whatever seems to be important to them, that you leave that space though, right? It's not like this readymade script, but it's a guide for them to just make it easier I think that's beautiful.
Iva 18:30
And with regards to starting with, as you say, because I love that how you structure it into you don't need to do it every day. It's just like once a year to have this open conversation and tying it up to values about family about what is important to us as a family. I love how it comes together to give it that deeper sense, of honoring ourselves and our bodies but also how we are part of the human race at the end of the day. And so, when we talk about how young is too young from your book collection, really the answer is you can start anytime because we all have a body right and we all need to start pointing body parts as soon as they are conscious that they have a hand, that they have a leg and so they also have you know a penis or vagina. And this conversations, do you recommend that they have happen organically because they're prompted by them? Or is it something that you at the beginning you say ‘okay, let's sit down and read the book’ and then let's open the conversation from there. What has been your experience on this?
Mandi 19:50
So, ages two and three, organically for sure. And that usually, the lessons, the things that we have in there are mostly all just what happens during bath time. Like you're just teaching during bath time. You're just let's wash your arm. Let's wash your cheeks. Let's wash your belly button. Let's wash your vulva. Let's wash your feet, like saying the words like they are a part of their body because they are all just a part of their body instead of so many times parents were like, ‘Hey, let's wash your [inaudible] and they change the tone of their voice like ‘I'm so sorry you had that’, no, that's not how we should talk about it. But yeah, age two and three, that's kind of how it is. Starting from age four, yeah, have a sit down lesson. Say we're gonna have a birthday suit talk and so they can next year, it's going to become more and more of like a habit, or a ritual, or fun- they're going to know ‘hey, this time we're gonna have treats, we're gonna have good quality time is just going to be me and mom and dad’, or whichever parent is going to be there and it's going to be the special time they look forward to it.
And as they get older and older and older into their teenage years, again, it's going to be something that they look forward to. It's going to be the special time. Now something that you said earlier about the human race that we were all just a part of the human race. In this book, I also, which was very, very important to me, is there's pictures, there's drawings, and there's very, very little resources out there of anatomy of a child. Because that's delicate to show. And I would when I would teach my kids I had this huge textbook, full color giant anatomy medical book that I was using. That was way overboard as far as content goes. Not like what was it appropriate but just there was too much for little kids and of course it's adult anatomy and they need to see a child. So I was very, very careful on how I did this with my artist- I feel so bad for him, because I was like I had so many tweaks for him to do every time. But these pictures of these children anatomy are just basic, simple and real. So many things that I found were like cartoon characters or this kind of funky like I don't want to show you what's really, no I wanted them to see an anatomy book type of medical drawing of a child. And I also wanted to have all different races represented. I wanted them to see red hair with freckles skin, I wanted to see light skin and blonde hair and black skin and brown skin. I wanted them to see all so there's not just one type of person represented in here. There's all different colors and shapes and it's just, it's beautiful. I feel it's a great word for it. I'm so proud of what it's become.
Iva 22:42
I love how you speak about it with so much love because I can so tell that you put part of your soul into this project precisely so that parents can, above anything else, more than just the facts to speak about the love. Right the fact that for the most part, they came here because we wanted them to be here. They're part of a family that wanted them to begin with. And so that they feel that love and that that caring, embodied within themselves as well.
Mandi 23:14
I sure hope people feel that as I look through this as they work through this book because yeah, part of my soul is definitely in there.
Desiree 23:21
Yeah, no, I can't We can't wait to get our hands on this as well, because it was also just released on October 5 (2021), you mentioned? So congratulations. It's a very, very new release. And I can't wait. But may I ask, just because I am in that situation right now. So I have a four year old and a four year old boy and I am currently eight months pregnant. And he has seen the whole progression from mommy's belly is really small. It's getting bigger and bigger and bigger. And now asking how will the baby come out- but how would I be able to approach, just I have explained what I thought I could explain but I am I'm also aware it is not enough. And I need to now I feel more empowered to speak more to him about it after our conversation. But can you give me a suggestion of how to, just how to open that conversation or how to speak to him and the words to use?
Mandi 24:30
Yeah, absolutely. The number one thing is to practice what you're going to say. And write down what you're going to say- if you just wait for the spur of the moment and just hope that you have the right words. That's not how teaching goes. When you're teaching something you need to prepare. You need to know what you're going to say, you need to have a written down and most the time you need to practice. So when you're in the shower when you're driving alone, say it out loud, so it doesn't feel uncomfortable. So in the book, we talk about the progression of information that you get from a younger child as they get older and practicing. Like if they say ‘Where do babies come from?’ It's going to be different for a 4,5,6,7, 8 year old it's going to be different and the information progresses. The number one thing is that you tell the truth, and that you don't try to sugarcoat it. Now you don't give them all of the truth. Because their brains aren't going to be able to wrap around it, but you give them something of the truth. So, for a four year old, I mean, that is really, really young. But in your situation, they're watching a pregnancy and they're watching a birth. So they want to know how it's going to come out. And it's really simple to say: ‘you know what, a girl- you have a son-right? Okay. So, a girl she has three holes, three openings to her body in between her legs. She has one where she goes pee or she urinates. She has a hole where the baby comes out and she has a hole where she goes poop and the hole in the middle is called a vagina and that's where the baby comes out when the baby is born. So, it's completely like it's not gross or weird. It's just this is how it is. This is what there is. I don't need to give you any other little weird thing. And if he comes to you with a question, you answer it with basic, basic facts. And as they get older, you can kind of see I kind of lay that all out in the book of how you can add more information. And you don't have to talk about how the baby got in there. But you can talk about DNA- DNA is like the coolest thing to a five and six year old. Like if they think if they hear what sex? Oh, it's so cool to have DNA from a dad and DNA from a mom and come together. And like the DNA holds like the eye color of the dad and eye color the mom. What color do you have? Where did you get your DNA from? And you just had to like switch it to like what is appropriate for their age and what they can grasp. And then as they get older, you add more details and more information. But yeah, we just kind of switch the way that we're thinking about it that we're teaching a child we're not teaching an adult sexual therapy course we’re just teaching the child the basics.
Desiree 27:09
Yes, and they have a right to know again they're so they're curious and I think children's curiosities are the most fascinating thing- they want to know everything. It’s their right to know and it's our job really, it's our job to our responsibility.
Mandi 27:30
So, my biggest warning, my biggest warning is if they come to you, and you haven't practice and you don't know, do not blow off your child and say ‘I will tell you when you're older’, or ‘you're too young to know about that.’ Because if they came to you with a question that means you've done something right. That means they trust you enough to ask you. So you have got to nurture that relationship and give them some sort of truth. Now, that's just that's my biggest, biggest warning is don't and don't tell them a lie because they're going to not trust you as being a truthful source.
Desiree 28:09
Yes, yes. You're right. Like you mentioned that most- even in high school, I mean, how old are children in high school? They're definitely teenagers already. And if that's the first time that they've heard someone talking about it, it does, I mean me as a parent I would feel a little bit like, that's not fair. It should have come from me or we're supposed to have the strongest bond and the closest intimate relationship with our children. So you're completely right.
Mandi 28:43
I mean, I have I had high school students, that I mean, boys had no idea that girls have three holes. Like they had no idea they thought that they wish she would pee and have a baby out of the same hole or poop the baby out. There were boys that thought they had bones in the penis. There were, there were I have a really funny story of one kid who he was always making out with his girlfriend. In the halls before my class, like, very heavily making out with her. Like I knew they were very physically involved. And in class, we were talking about ovulation about how a girl releases an egg every month. And he was this really loud kid he started raising his hand and I'm like, ‘Okay, I know this is gonna be a good question’ because he always had good, good questions. I can see him raising his hand. He looked really puzzled as he goes, ‘Okay, so she releases them a once a month. I mean, is that like, like a chicken?’ This kid honestly thought that his girlfriend laid an egg once a month. Like how a16 years old thinks a girl lays an egg every month?!?
Iva 29:50
This shows the level of how much we hide. And how much we just brush it under the rug as they say
Mandi 29:57
I saw it so, so much and I still see it now and all the parents that I interviewed I mean same thing, such ignorance even after they were married and they had a long term sexual relationship. They still really struggled with not knowing things. I mean, they do need to learn from their parents.
Desiree 30:15
Yeah, and being shy to talk about it too.
Iva 30:19
But you know what, Mandi, I also have experienced from my end. I remember in high school when we had that talk in school, they separated us. So, you know, they split us up into like boys over here and girls over there. And so, they approached I guess with each each group, the information that each group needed to handle and so I also feel that we might err on that side. of just having some information about our bodies because it's, you know, we are dealing with that at the moment, but we have no clue on the other side, what is happening and as you say, it’s very important to make sure that they understand a little bit of what both sexes do and go through.
Mandi 31:01
Absolutely. How are you going to respect what the other person is feeling or going through or respect their body if you don't understand what's going on?
Iva 31:11
Yes, yes. And so, I also have a question because, I remember just recently my son, we were all in the living room all hanging out together, and he was just in the couch and then all of a sudden he said, ‘Oh, mommy, oh my god, it hurts. My you know, my penis hurts.’ And I'm like, ‘What do you mean it hurts, where does it hurt?’ And he's like, ‘over here, look it hurts a little bit.’ And then he was having a little hard on. So, my husband and I, we just looked at each other and we're like, ‘oh, you know, it's fine. It's you know, it will go away. But if you continue touching it, it will continue to stay like that and then it will you will feel uncomfortable for you.’ And so and so we left it at that but those are the things were you would suggest taking a cue from that moment, we should have gotten a little bit deeper into it, or is it just where you say ‘no, you know, that's those are moments where you just need to say like, Hey, it's fine and not make it a big deal that it's happening?’
Mandi 32:08
First of all, so many great things in that story. One, he knew it was called he knew it was a penis. That's great instead of a tingling or whatever, like yes, the word of what it is. That's great. Number two, I think you handled that great. You don't necessarily have to go in deep conversation right there because they're not prepared for it. I really, as far as like, am I going to have a deep conversation about this? It depends on their age as well. But you could. You could explain, it's great. This is how your body works. This just shows that your body is functioning right. This is completely natural, but to go dive into a big discussion right there, if they're not mentally ready, it could be it could catch them off guard. I really encourage parents to say ‘okay, we're going to have our birthday suit talk on Saturday, we're going to have a good talk about your body. We're going to teach you things’ and so that they know what's coming. This is much more helpful like with older kids. They know what's coming, they're not bombarded, they have time to mentally prepare. Okay? So I mean, but again, if conversations lead to that, and they keep asking questions, and you're like, ‘okay, they really want to know more’ go ahead if there's no more distractions and you can have a good conversation. Yeah, for sure. And then when you do have the talk, you can go into more detail.
Iva 33:25
And Mandi one last question. What do you do if you get caught in the act? And your kids walk in on you? Right? It's moments that happen, and you know, and so sometimes, we look we look like a deer, deer caught in the headlights, type of look. Any suggestions? I know it depends on the age, obviously. But we're at that range, you know of young kids, 4, 3, 5, where they know they're seeing something but obviously,
Desiree 34:01
They don't really know what they're looking at that moment.
Mandi 34:04
Yeah, it depends if they have learned past their past lesson nine, if they have learned about penetration past lesson nine, that's different than if it's before. Luckily, I have not experienced that. So but, if yeah, I'm really, really grateful. But like, I don't know how that's happened. But I feel like if, if it's been prior to Lesson Nine, and they haven't learned about it, pretend like we're wrestling, pretty much. If it's after, and they're like ‘I heard some weird stuff’, that's you got to explain that mum and dad showing intimacy to each other. If they've already learned about sex and being honest and say, I'm sorry, that wasn't meant for you to walk in on or, but I mean, if it's before they haven't learned about it yet, you're wrestling and you’re playing and leave it at that.
Iva 35:02
How you’re showing affection, how you’re showing affection with your partner? So Mandi, you do have a freebie for us today. Can you tell us a little bit because we're loving this, Family Values journal?
Mandi 35:18
Absolutely. Yeah, It's a free download. It mirrors exactly what's through the book. I mean, it with a book. We have your sections and lessons and questions that you ask and then there's places to write down your family values. So, the journal completely mirrors that and so there's a free download of that. You can also get a hard copy if you want through the links on my website. But yes, you can get your journal- it kind of shows you some of the questions that we go through with lessons one through nine, and some of the topics and also has space to write down some of your favorite memories of your child at that age. You can write down some of your notes from your lesson and things that they learned. So yeah, it's a great resource.
Desiree 35:59
That's also interesting because you get to exactly no doubt also maybe how they responded to it or like and see over the years how the conversations are going. That's also very interesting.
Mandi 36:10
But even better is if when you have two kids, you're going to be able to have a game plan and teach your second child just as well as you taught your first child. Because we forget! like I taught that to the third one. But then it was the fourth- no I really, really crazy I mean, it was one or two- same thing but the parents are both on the same game plan. They're teaching the same content. So it's not teaching more, and even grandparents you could have grandparents be on the same page. So they're not teaching more. So it's just so, so helpful.
Iva 36:50
Because yes, sometimes it happens sometimes you don't communicate on that particular topic or subject and then they come and say, ‘Oh, but Dad told me that it was I don't know, the fairies’ for example. You're like ‘What?’ You have to, somebody has to be discredited in that in that moment, right. It's wrong.
Desiree 37:10
Yeah, that was good. So you did mention we could get our the book through your website, but where else can we get our hands on it?
Mandi 37:26
Yeah, Amazon, it's all on Amazon. Or the website, thebirthdaysuitbooks.com.
Desiree 37:28
Visiting it today, I think it's, I need to, I can't wait to get my hands on it. Especially when you say you have these illustrations and everything because I think it is time for me if the situation I am- I and you know what, thank you Mandi because I'm actually looking forward to it now. I have a lot of question marks around this since like, Is he too young? How much should I tell him? But now I feel I feel a lot more confident and we're looking forward to that. He needs to know he wants to know he needs to know. And I am actually really looking forward to sharing it with him now so thank you.
Mandi 38:12
That's my goal. That's my goal. It's a fun thing. It's not scary. It's been wonderful. So
Iva 38:18
It is a fantastic mindset shift for all of us to approach it with love and with authenticity and just you know, stating on a need to know basis which is what the books are for. I think they make an amazing gift now that the holidays are coming and everybody's thinking of what can be a very thoughtful gift for parents and children alike. So, you're also fostering that connection within their relationships. I love how it ticks so many boxes and it's not just like another gift you know,
Mandi 38:59
Thank you
Iva 39:00
So this month you're launching, your lunching the rest of the series or part of the series and then next year you're going down of ages 10 and onwards?
Mandi 39:14
10 through 18 and also for parents who are still a little bit apprehensive, I've also created a complete course where I teach the lessons that parents and the child can watch. Where I do the lesson and I teach that and they push pause and they answer the question then talk about their values. So that it's a little bit more comfortable especially you know, with those later lessons where parents may not want to talk about penetration and things like that. I have a membership where they can access those courses and I also have access to tons of interviews that I've done where from kids that they can write down what they have experienced what's going on in their lives, that they wish their parents were doing better,
Desiree 39:53
Because I saw that on your website. So I wasn't sure about the interviews. Oh, that's fantastic. So they can actually share their experiences.
Mandi 40:01
And parents can share what they're going through on their end and parents have full access to these interviews of people who've done the lessons who taught them and their opposite. They have the kids have received them and what the kids are going through too
Iva 40:14
I love this so much Mandi, thank you so much for chatting with us today. Yes. And if you want to connect with Mandi, you can find her on Instagram. Her handle is @thebirthdaysuitbooks. And also she has her Facebook links and her website links all in our show notes that you can find and really take advantage of this amazing opportunity because it's a wonderful gift for any family that is looking into making that connection and building that trust with their kids. And it's never too early as you said and as he shared with us which is fantastic. So thank you so much for being with us today.
Mandi 40:57
You're welcome. Thank you, guys.
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Mandi Nuttall
Mandi and her kind-hearted husband Matt found out real quick how easy it is to go from 3 to 5 kids after twins rocked their world. In between the craziness of motherhood, Mandi has found another incredible purpose. Mandi is now publishing her first book, The Birthday Suit Book 1: Yearly Guides to Easily Teach Children Ages 1 to 9 About Their Body and Sex.Mandi believes in the limitless potential within families to do good and raise knowledgeable children. She wrote this book to make the process simple, and empower parents to then empower their children to respect and love their body.
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